I’ve been a hairstylist for a long time. Long enough to have done my fair share of spiral perms, French twists, mullets, and who can forget “the Rachael” haircut. I’ve used more boxes of foils, swept more hair, emptied more cans of hairspray than I could even count, and if Malcomn Gladwell’s rundown of mastery in his best-seller “Outliers” is accurate I’ve clocked 10,000 hours behind the chair six times over. But the haircuts, hair colors, and highlights aren’t what keep me picking up my comb every single day. I show up for you, to hear about your triumphs and tragedies, lighten your load, and bring a smile to your face. To share life with you. I’m not “just a hairstylist”. I’m a friend, confidant, cheerleader, and yes, sometimes a therapist.