Kim Hansen

safety protocols in Monrovia Hair Salon

Safe Simple Solutions to your Salon Services

Many in the workforce who haven’t embraced their grown-out grey have been searching for their flowbees, watching do-it-yourself haircut videos, and finding solace from a box color bought through Madison Reed after all desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus, who cares what we look like because Zoom can filter out bad days, and no one can see our yoga pants and slippers.

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Loving your Grey Hair

Over the years, many of my clients who receive hair color services have wondered what their natural hair color is and what they would look like if they grew their natural hair color out. When California salons closed for many weeks of 2020, it allowed lots of people to see their natural hair color. Some started to see those grey hairs creep in and called me in a 911 emergency as soon as salons were able to open. A handful of my clients began loving their natural grey, white, and silver hair and are embracing the new less is more lifestyle.

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